Play Therapy

Counselling for Children & Teens with Emotional & Behaviour Problems

Art in Play in Therapy is Transforming Kids in South Edmonton
Art is a free medium for expressing experiences for kids. Fun & Healing.

I got into the field of counselling children and teens because of my own challenges as a child & youth. This personal struggle has equipped and motivated me to become a specialist who understands the problems kids face. My quiet, accepting personality has helped me put many kids at ease and make them feel safe. The tools of child play therapy I have developed over 30 years are shared with children and teens in a way they can apply to their lives. Child play therapy is fun so children WANT to come to child therapy appointments.

Are you a parent, class teacher,  social worker, or minister who is worried about the welfare of a particular child?

Yes?… then I am happy to tell you about how I might be able to help.

Call 780-916-4357 or Email

Impact of Child Play Therapy

Play Therapy at Help for Families Canada  transforms problematic children to progressing children.

Counselling Children Edmonton, Alberta
How Play Promotes Transformation

Play Therapy Blog Posts

For a more detailed description of what is play therapy read our blog post – How Play Helps Your Child Heal

Child Mental Health Issues Play Therapy Helps Resolve

Some of the individual issues I may be able to help your child address include:

Worries and Fears

(Read more about help for: Anxiety Disorders)

   ADHD or Childhood Hyperactivity

  Anger and Hostility

(Read more about help for Anger Management for Kids

   Low Self-Esteem

Sadness, Depression, and Grief

(eg. parents’ divorce, death of loved one)

   Discipline Issues with General Child Behaviour Problems


  Shyness, Difficulty in Friendships and Peer Relationship

   Highly Sensitive or Empath (HSP)

With early intervention your child or yourself can acquire the skills and strategies he/she needs to live a healthy, happy life.

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Play Therapy with Teenagers! Really?

It is the exceptional teenager that is naturally comfortable walking into a room and start talking about their experiences and feelings. There is even more resistance if that adult asks questions???? Talk therapy is not the best way to reach deep into the psyche of youth.

No, they may not move to the dollhouse to play home but they may draw me a picture of the map/layout of their house. With enough gentle noticing and curiosity I may get that teen to express to me what the dynamics are like for them living in that that house with that family (their family). Art is one of my preferred methods to work with tweens and teens. Even adolescent boys will draw me comic strips or “graphic stories” of their day. Engagement in music, using apps, viewing and creating video-clips, playing board games, and sand-tray are some of my other playful interventions I use with the more discriminating generation.

Occasionally I may meet the stone-wall face but it is much less frequent in my contemporary practice.

Set Up A Play Therapy Appointment TODAY

Don’t delay, CONTACT US Today.

Call 780-916-4357 or Email

or Book An Appointment Below.

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